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Adding Slack Time
There are a several different ways that you can build some flexible time into your
training. Having participants help to design the training (perhaps by selecting which
objectives you will cover in the training), is one great way to do this. 
Secondly, keep in mind that training is all about your participants. As trainers,
sometimes we are so excited about the potential for growth that we cram way too
much into the lesson design. Keep your materials content rich so that you have
excellent training, but don’t feel that you have to incorporate everything that you know just because
you can. Meet your objectives, be participant-centered, and design your lessons well. 
The best way to build in some flexible time is to deliberately create a couple of spaces in your day that
are light so that if you do need to incorporate something extra, or people get engaged in a particular
learning opportunity, you won’t have to race to get through the rest of your material. This means that
you have a couple of topics that are optional that will add to the training if you can include them, but
can be left out if needed.