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Here are some things that you can do if an activity flops.
Stop the activity and refocus the group. You can let them know that something went wrong, and
that you are going to try again or you can abandon it altogether and move on.
Watch the energy levels. It is not unusual to expect that if an activity fizzles, the energy in the
group will decrease sharply. People may feel that they have done something wrong. An
energizer will get everyone reinvested in what is going on and restore those energy levels.
Organize an on-the-spot debriefing session and have the trainees identify what went wrong, and
how to remedy the problem or move beyond it. Do not focus on why things went wrong, since
that can lead to blaming or negativity that shouldnt be introduced to the session. Focus the
conversation on what and how.
If the activity was applicable to the learning objectives and would work with some
modifications, then make some changes and use it again. If it really isnt applicable, then let it go
and develop something that will enhance the training session the next time that it is offered.