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Adjusting Your Material for a Sensitive Issue
Sometimes the unexpected can arise in an otherwise harmless training sessions.
As we mentioned in an earlier module, people can often be pre-occupied with
unfinished tasks at work, family pressures, and many other things. If you are
treading close to emotional issues, it is possible that you will strike a nerve with
someone. In addition, sometimes we are addressing sensitive issues in training
that people may react emotionally to. 
The greatest tools for you in adjusting your materials come to light before your actual training takes
place. If you have been able to do some pre-training survey work, or even just interviewed a supervisor,
then you will uncover the issues before entering the training room, and be able to prepare yourself for
what will follow. 
If you do not have the luxury of pre-training interviews, then your flexibility at managing a classroom,
dealing with change, offering support, and creating a safe learning environment will all contribute to the
success of this training endeavor.